Thursday, June 12, 2008


Good news! Lynn Spears' ever-blogged about parenting book is set for a fall release! I guess now that Britney isn't holding her kids hostage in her bathroom anymore and Jamie Lynn is officially engaged, which is almost as good as being married, which means her child is only 95% bastard, Lynn felt she had regained enough authority on the matter of parenting to go ahead and set that sucker loose.

Wait, wait. Never mind. It's no longer a book about parenting, but rather, according to a spokesperson for the publishing company,

“It’s her story of what it was like being a mom and raising two very famous people. It’s a memoir.”

Interesting, and a smart move, if we're being honest. But here's the real question: Does Jamie Lynn really qualify as "very famous?" I mean, I know her pregnancy caused quite a stir, but I'm pretty sure that was the whole 16-year old thing, not her supposed fame.

It reminds me of a friendly, continuing debate my beau and I are engaged in about which celebrities qualify as A-list, B-list, C-list, and so on. Jamie Lynn, imho, would barely qualify as B-list pre-pregnancy, and I'd say her little bundle of joy scandal has merely secured that B-list position, rather than severely raised or lowered it.

Anywho. I'm glad good old Lynn is getting her book published. It's about time she gain some sort of profit from her daughters' breakdowns. Way to be, Lynn. Way to be.


mcsant said...

She is not even on my C-list, but then again, I am not a pre-teen.....

Tess said...

Speaking of Finally!!, I just thought I'd check in, roomie. Did you see Jon's last blog? There's hope for us yet. Hope your days are lovely...