Saturday, June 16, 2007

Candy Spelling Hits Again

Apparently her letters to Paris and Joe Francis only served to whet her appetite. Candy Spelling sent this letter to Britney Spears, again via TMZ. And you know, she actually pretty much says what the rest of us have been thinking concerning the Britney situation for last last eight months. So to you, Candy Spelling, I say "Brava!" Of course, it's still pretty strange for you to be sending out these random letters, and it's a little strange also that you feel you have the right to judge these people when your own daughter is a homewrecking husband-stealer and your son is walking around town dressed like this at the age of 29. But, ahem, my initial message to you was brava, and brava it shall stay. After all, someone needs to let Britney know that the obvious solution to so many of these problems is simply to " Visit someone famous in jail and attract a zillion photographers." Ah, because what Britney needs is more attention from the photogs. Wait, huh? Candy, that doesn't make much sense. But I can't stay mad at you, you crazy old bat. Brava, Candy, brava.


Tess said...

I'm sorry my comment is going to be so very, very random, but I'm just so delighted to know that I know someone (our age!) who knows to say "Brava!" to a woman instead of "Bravo!" (Against spellcheck's wishes, of course. Misogynist machine. Program. Whatever.)

E said... old is Candy, by the way?