Thursday, June 7, 2007

This Bird Has Flown...

Well, that didn't last long.


Casey said...

Is it just me, or has the American Justice System become utterly unintelligible? Are there rules guiding this action, or is it just whatever, man...?

Jon Sealy said...

Well. Another one of my days is ruined. Paris Hilton's making it hard for the summer of Jon to blossom.

anna said...

I believe it is "whatever, man" when you have enough money.

Davo said...

I am so over Paris right now. "She is confined to her house." Puhleeze. Her 2500 sq foot house with every possible toy known to mankind. And she can order takeout. We all know we'd still be in the clink if it were us.

Wishydig said...

lose not heart jon.

read just one of the many stories coming out.

the girl is back on the chain gang.

the judge didn't even want to hear about the so-called medical conditions. her lawyer pleaded to present the case in chambers and the man ignored him.

there's something nice about that.